2021 General Assembly Access Links

ESMED General Assembly

Online Access Details


Day 1 of the ESMED General Assembly will be fully online and begins at 9:00 AM CET (Berlin) time. The Cisco Webex platform will be used.


Access links:


Track 1 (includes keynote talks): https://esmed.my.webex.com/esmed.my/j.php?MTID=m0653c63db9a0cf6af7230fc449466e5c

Password: ESMED


Track 2 (starts at 11:00): https://esmed.my.webex.com/esmed.my/j.php?MTID=m91ad17b52b332a6b953c5307861cb901

Password: ESMED



Track 3 (starts at 11:00): https://esmed.my.webex.com/esmed.my/j.php?MTID=m360ca2b60ddc2d6b1072d42f906cbd37

Password: ESMED



Technical help: https://help.webex.com/en-us/nrbgeodb/Join-a-Webex-Meeting

Call for papers

Have a manuscript to publish in the society's journal?