Author Center

Author Center

The Author Center contains a wealth of information on the process of publishing in the European Society of Medicine.


The Medical Research Archives is the official journal of the European Society of Medicine. Since its inception in 2014, the journal has published groundbreaking research, insightful reviews, and compelling case reports addressing health issues of interest to a global community of medical professionals.

The Medical Research Archives is a fully open-access journal with no embargo period. All articles are freely available on a variety of digital platforms.

Please refer to the following guidelines when preparing a manuscript for submission.

ISSN: 2375-1924
DOI prefix:

An evidence-based approach to spotting a predatory journal

Evaluating an unfamiliar journal is easy if you know what to look for. Here are 10 things to keep in mind when considering submitting to a new journal:

Read the list

How to Submit

  1. Register as an author (please do this in advance, do not wait until the manuscript is ready).
  2. Format the manuscript according to this guide.
  3. Upload your manuscript using your submission link received after registering.

Article Types

TypeWord Count
Original Research Articles
Empirical research and other studies presenting innovative advances in medicine. Example
< 8,000
Literature reviews, systematic reviews, and meta-analyses. Example
< 8,000
Policy Articles
Manuscripts with a focus on issues related to health policy. Example
< 6,000
Case Reports
Articles reporting an unusual disease presentation, a new treatment, or an unexpected side effect. Example
< 4,000
Brief articles presenting a personal perspective in a narrative voice. Example
< 3,000

Author Spotlight

Mahua Dey

University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health

Dr. Mahua Dey is the director of the surgical neuro-oncology program at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health. She specializes in the surgical management of brain and spinal cord tumors.

Dr. Dey published the article Primary Central Nervous System Germ Cell Tumors: A Review and Update in the Medical Research Archives along with co-author Kaleigh Fetcko. The article has received 1,317 views and 98 citations.

Manuscript Organization

Manuscripts should be organized as follows. Instructions for each element may be found later in this guide.

The following elements are required, in order:

  • Title
  • Authors & Affiliations (in separate file to ensure a blind review)
  • Abstract
  • Introduction

The following elements can be renamed as needed:

  • Methods
  • Results
  • Discussion
  • Conclusions

The following elements are recommended:

  • Conflicts of Interest Statement
  • Funding Statement
  • Acknowledgments
  • References


  • All figures, tables, and images should be numbered and inserted within the text
  • Figures should appear immediately following the paragraph in which the figure is cited
  • Appendices are not allowed, except for tables which span more than 1 full page
  • Please do not upload figure files separetely. Include them within the main text.

Style and Format

The Medical Research Archives uses the AMA citation format. Learn more

File formatManuscripts may be submitted in the following formats: DOCX, DOC
FontAny standard font may be used in size 12pt.
HeadingsSections and sub-sections should be labeled with headings.
Layout & SpacingManuscript text should be in a single column and single spaced.
FootnotesFootnotes are not permitted.
LanguageManuscripts must be submitted in English.
AbbreviationsDefine abbreviations upon the first appearance.
UnitsUse SI units (metric).

Titles may consist of no more than 140 characters. Avoid using acronyms within the title. The type of article should be clear after reading the title. Case reports must contain the words “case report” within the title.


Everyone who is listed as an author should have made a substantial and direct contribution to the article, such as contributing to the conception, design, analysis, or interpretation of data. Individuals who have made only auxiliary contributions such as funding acquisition, proofreading, and technical services should be listed in the Acknowledgment section.


Abstracts may consist of no more than 350 words.

The aim of an abstract is to summarize the objectives and results of the article. Structured abstracts (including the following elements: Background, Aims, Methods, Results, and Conclusion) are permitted but not required.

Abstracts should not contain references or excessive abbreviations.

The introduction should:

  • Provide background information that puts the manuscript into context and allows readers outside the field to understand its significance
  • Clearly state the aim and scope of the article
  • Define the problem addressed
  • Note any relevant controversies or disagreements related to the topic

The Methods section should be sufficiently detailed to allow other researchers to replicate the work.


Results should be clear and concise. Avoid mixing elements of the Discussion section with the Results.

The Discussion section should interpret the results of the work but not repeat them. It is acceptable to divide the Discussion into subsections.

Conclude the article with a paragraph or two summarizing the conclusions that can be drawn from the work. Do not state any conclusions which are not supported by the results.

All authors are required to disclose all financial relationships (including employment, grants, patent ownership, and other interests) with any entities that have an interest in the subject matter or materials discussed in the manuscript, if such relationship existed at any time in the last 24 months.

If there are no conflicts to declare, this section may read “The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare.”

Please list all funding sources and grant numbers in this section. If the authors received no funding for the work discussed in the manuscript this section may be omitted.

Those who contributed to the work but do not meet the authorship criteria should be listed in the Acknowledgments section with a brief description of their contribution.

Ensure that your References section lists full and current bibliography details for every cited work at the time of the submission of the manuscript.

The Medical Research Archives uses the AMA citation format. Please ensure that the References section and inline quoting numbers comply with AMA style requirements. Instructions for using AMA style may be found at:

Copyright Information

Articles in the journal are published under a Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 3.0) and may be shared or distributed by anyone as long as attribution is given to the journal. Authors are not asked to transfer copyrights to the journal.

Publication Schedule

Issues of the journal are published monthly at the end of each month. There are also several special issues published each year in addition to the regular monthly issues.

Indexing and Impact

The Medical Research Archives participates in the following indexing platforms to ensure your manuscript is accessible by a global medical community. Availability of each platform varies based on subject matter and funding sources. Please contact us to check which options are available for your specific manuscript.

Impact Factor
The Medical Research Archives is a supporter of the San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment, and thus has not applied for an impact factor.

The Declaration on Research Assessment recognizes the need to improve the ways in which researchers and the outputs of scholarly research are evaluated. Learn more.

Publication Fees

As an open access journal with zero subscription or advertising revenue, the journal must charge a fee to cover the costs associated with peer-review, copyediting, and publication. Members of the society publish for free. Reduced rates are available for authors from these developing countries.

With membership

  • 3 free article publications per year
  • Opportunities for networking, advocacy, and more


Standard membership: 999 EUR/USD per year

Reduced rate for developing nations: 499 EUR/USD per year


Non-members are welcome to publish in the Medical Research Archives. 

Publication fee per article:

Individual rate: 3,250 EUR/USD

Authors paying with institutional/grant funds: 4,399 EUR/USD

Reduced rate for developing nations: 1,499 EUR/USD

You may already be a member and not know it. Browse our list of institutional partnerships.

How to Submit

  1. Register as an author (please do this in advance, do not wait until the manuscript is ready).
  2. Format the manuscript according to this guide.
  3. Upload your manuscript using your submission link received after registering.

Not sure if you want to submit?

Learn about what some of our members who have published in the journal have to say about their experience here.

Or get in touch with our editorial team.

Members publish for free

Members of the European Society of Medicine are exempt from publication fees when publishing in the society's journal.

Individual Memberships

Join us, and become part of a global community of medical professionals.

Professional Membership

Membership fee


Reduced Membership

* Available for these developing nations

Membership fee


Register as an Author

Reserve your spot to ensure a place for your research in the journal.

Call for papers

Have a manuscript to publish in the society's journal?