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Home  >  Medical Research Archives  >  Issue 149  > Myofascia - the unexplored tissue: Myofascial kinetic lines in horses, a model for describing locomotion using comparative dissection studies derived from human lines
Published in the Medical Research Archives
May 2015 Issue

Myofascia - the unexplored tissue: Myofascial kinetic lines in horses, a model for describing locomotion using comparative dissection studies derived from human lines

Published on May 18, 2015




The precise functional role of connective tissue, and especially that of myofascia, remains largely unexplored. With this in mind, the present study has chosen to focus on an improved understanding of the interconnected web of fascia formed by connective tissue throughout the whole body, with particular consideration to force transmission, biomechanics of the whole body and fascia contractility. The specific aim of the present study was to reveal the inter-connective functionality of the locomotory system in a mammal other than humans, namely the horse.

Dissections of horses (n=26) were undertaken in order to verify the existence of, as well as compare the similar functional interconnected lines and structures to, those found in humans. This study found that it was necessary to redefine the human lines described by Myers (2009), owing to variations specific to horses arising from fundamental anatomical differences between bipeds and quadrupeds. Nevertheless, the myofascial kinetic lines presented in this study provide an anatomical foundation for an improved understanding of locomotion. Indeed, one in which the whole body is considered in a holistic way, rather than the simplified description of the action of single muscles. It is concluded that the lines described in this study form the basis of a readily use-able tool that can be applied by practitioners to track the main cause of locomotory problems in horses afflicted with impaired performance.


Author info

Vibeke Elbrønd, Rikke Schultz

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