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Home  >  Medical Research Archives  >  Issue 149  > Digital information storage on DNA in living organisms
Published in the Medical Research Archives
Jun 2019 Issue

Digital information storage on DNA in living organisms

Published on Jun 17, 2019




The growing demand of digital information storage worldwide has led to the development of technology of using DNA as novel storage media. DNA is a suitable storage method due to its high data density, environment compatibility and long-term storage potential. Currently, most studies on DNA storage are based on short oligonucleotide pool synthesized on silica chip. However, despite the low cost and high-throughput advantages, this type of DNA storage also has shortcomings such as limited DNA quantity, difficulty replicating, etc. Thus, a new type of storing digital information within the DNA of living organism is attracting more attentions. In this research we conducted pilot studies of DNA storage in representative living organisms such as E. coli, yeast and Arabidopsis. This study aimed to address fundamental questions of DNA storage in living organisms, such as feasibility, stability and so on. From this study, we found that digital information can be stored and stably transmitted on DNA within these living organisms.

Author info

Jian Sun, Qiming Wang, Wenyi Diao, Chi Zhou, Bingbing Wang, Liqun Rao, Ping Yang

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