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Home  >  Medical Research Archives  >  Issue 149  > Advance Care Planning: A Three-Phase Community Initiative, Educating Clinicians and Engaging Employers in NY’s Capital District
Published in the Medical Research Archives
Sep 2020 Issue

Advance Care Planning: A Three-Phase Community Initiative, Educating Clinicians and Engaging Employers in NY’s Capital District

Published on Sep 28, 2020





Advance Care Planning (ACP) emphasizes the process of communication necessary to assist individuals in making informed decisions about their future medical care.  In response to the Institute of Medicine’s (IOM) call for enriching preparation of Advance Directives (AD) in their Dying in America consensus report of 2014, this author developed, designed and initiated a three-phase program to heighten awareness of ACP in New York’s Capital Region.  

Phase I, Community Conversations, is directed toward healthy individuals who are upstream from illness. Individuals in faith-based groups and civic organizations are provided tools and resources to prepare their own Healthcare Proxies, Living Wills and conduct important conversations with their loved ones about honoring their wishes and goals.   

Phase II, Advancing ACP Education in Medical Practices, is a structured training program for clinical professionals who receive certification as ACP facilitators and conduct ACP activities with their patients including conversations about what matters most and preparation of ADs for their medical records.  

Phase III, Advance Care Planning Education Through Employers, is a program which reaches people in their workplace.  The purpose of this phase is twofold: to meet the needs of individuals who might not be otherwise exposed to ACP information, and to engage employers who sustain the important preparation of ADs through their human resources departments.  

A blueprint for each phase was designed for replication in other communities. Over a five-year period, and phase implementation, the program has been recognized as a premier resource for Advance Care Planning outreach. The project demonstrates the initiative, scope and activities that have far-reaching implications for the preparedness and health of an aging community. This review represents key elements and discovery with respect to all three phases of the project.


Author info

Gwendolyn Bondi

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