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Home  >  Medical Research Archives  >  Issue 149  > Oesophageal varices, portal hypertensive gastropathy and spontaneous Sub-arachnoid haemorrhage in a case of liver cirrhosis diagnosed on autopsy.
Published in the Medical Research Archives
Mar 2021 Issue

Oesophageal varices, portal hypertensive gastropathy and spontaneous Sub-arachnoid haemorrhage in a case of liver cirrhosis diagnosed on autopsy.

Published on Mar 21, 2021




Alcohol remains one of the most abused substances worldwide. Studies over the years have attributed chronic alcoholism as a major risk factor to liver cirrhosis. Patients with liver cirrhosis develop portal hypertension which put them at a higher risk of having esophageal varices and other associated complications. The authors present a case of a chronic alcoholic male individual who developed cirrhosis along with other less reported complications like sub-arachnoid hemorrhage and portal hypertensive gastropathy. The paper also profiles various changes associated with esophageal varices as observed during autopsy examination.


Author info

Pardeep Yadav, Luv Sharma, Naveen Sharma, Mahender Singh

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