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Home  >  Medical Research Archives  >  Issue 149  > Psychogenic theory of consciousness
Published in the Medical Research Archives
May 2021 Issue

Psychogenic theory of consciousness

Published on May 24, 2021




The brain is a unique organization in nature, having the psychic activity, which is expressed in subjective states: thoughts, feelings, emotions. Knowledge of the nature of mental activity of the brain is the most urgent and the most challenging task of physiology. Historically the neurophysiology developed on the basis of physical and chemical laws discovered in an inanimate nature. Our investigation is devoted towards the origin of a human subjective state, and presents a new methodology for studying of the nature psychic brain activity. We have established the existence of physical phenomena unique for the living brain so-called «psychogenic field», which reflects the expressed psychic state of human brain. The subjective state of a human being was shown to affect remotely the physicochemical properties of the blood. An original schematic diagram is presented to describe the formation of the brain psychic activity. This approach is based on the feedback influence of a psychogenic field on neuronal molecular processes (self-induction in the brain). The paper describes the interrelation of neurophysiologic and subjective processes in the system organization of goal-seeking behavior. A «Psychogenic theory of consciousness» is proposed, suggests presuming the existence of physical phenomena unique for the living brain and brain fields, and their role in the origin of a subjective state.

Author info

Evgeny Yumatov

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