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Home  >  Medical Research Archives  >  Issue 149  > COVID-19 Related Encephalopathy
Published in the Medical Research Archives
Dec 2022 Issue

COVID-19 Related Encephalopathy

Published on Dec 31, 2022




SARS-CoV-2 infection can present with neurological symptoms due to direct or indirect invasion of the central nervous system. There are many hypotheses of why this happens, focusing on systemic inflammation, cytokines and cells, but none of them are completely understood. We present a case of a 66-year-old female that presented with a severe encephalopathy during her COVID-19 infection. We discuss physiopathology, risk factors, work up, possible treatments according to the physiopathological damage and prognosis according to the treatment response.

Author info

Lorna Galleguillos, José Valdés, Fernando Vivanco, Marianella Hernández

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