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Home  >  Medical Research Archives  >  Issue 149  > The Clinical Significance of Cardiac Markers in COVID-19 Patients: A Review Article
Published in the Medical Research Archives
Dec 2023 Issue

The Clinical Significance of Cardiac Markers in COVID-19 Patients: A Review Article

Published on Dec 26, 2023




SARS-CoV-2 is a highly contagious viral illness that started the COVID-19 pandemic in March 2020. Accumulating evidence suggests that the cardiovascular system is primarily affected by SARS-CoV-2. Cardiovascular complications such as myocarditis, acute coronary syndrome, heart failure, arrhythmias, and venous thromboembolism have been reported. The role of cardiac biomarkers in diagnosing and monitoring COVID-19 patients is becoming of particular interest, as it may provide insights into the underlying mechanisms of cardiovascular injury and inform clinical decision-making.


Troponins, specifically troponin I, have been widely studied and was proven to be elevated in COVID-19 patients with myocardial injury, indicating a negative prognostic indicator and association with poorer outcomes. Elevated levels of Natriuretic peptides, such as B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP), have been noted in severe COVID-19 cases and are associated with higher mortality rates. However, it is essential to consider that elevated natriuretic peptide levels in COVID-19 patients may also be influenced by factors other than heart failure. CK-MB, a subtype of creatine kinase, has been found to have significantly higher concentrations in COVID-19 patients with high disease severity or non-survivor status, suggesting its potential as a biomarker for risk stratification in this population. Myoglobin and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) are additional cardiac markers that can indicate heart muscle damage, but their specificity in COVID-19 patients may be limited.


The widely used cardiac markers provide valuable diagnostic and prognostic information about cardiac injury and function in COVID-19 patients. Still, their performance characteristics and interpretation should be considered in the context of the individual patient and conjunction with other clinical assessments.

Author info

Mohammed Shaban, Franklin Sosa, Jose Lopez, Gustavo Duarte, Justin Mark, Asma Khizar, Swati Jain, Rishabh Mishra, Miguel Guerra, Timothy Vittorio

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