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Home  >  Medical Research Archives  >  Issue 149  > Navigating Mental Health Amidst COVID-19: Understanding Symptoms, Sociodemographic Patterns, and Practice Implications
Published in the Medical Research Archives
May 2024 Issue

Navigating Mental Health Amidst COVID-19: Understanding Symptoms, Sociodemographic Patterns, and Practice Implications

Published on May 26, 2024




This article explores the nuanced relationship between COVID-related stressors and mental health outcomes, with a particular focus on sociodemographic patterns and implications for practice. It illuminates the psychological impacts of the pandemic, explores sociodemographic disparities outcomes among historically marginalized communities, and offers recommendations for practitioners and policymakers to address mental health challenges. It reviews current research highlighting the direct correlation between pandemic-related stressors and heightened levels of depression, anxiety, and economic instability across diverse demographic groups, while also exploring the most widely reported barriers these communities face in accessing mental health services. Through a comprehensive review of the literature, key strategies for addressing mental health disparities emphasize the importance of promoting social connectedness and dispositional mindfulness as protective factors. By integrating culturally responsive interventions, promoting mental health literacy, building resilience and coping skills, strengthening support systems, and advocating for policy changes, this article contributes to efforts aimed at reducing mental health inequities and promoting equitable access to care for all individuals affected by the pandemic.

Author info

Stephanie Dailey

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