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Home  >  Medical Research Archives  >  Issue 149  > Arterial Aphta : Which value in Behcet disease ?
Published in the Medical Research Archives
Nov 2016 Issue

Arterial Aphta : Which value in Behcet disease ?

Published on Nov 17, 2016




The behcet disease is a vasculitis with polyorganic attacks whose diagnosis is established by

the international study group for behcet disease (ISGBD).

The arterial ulcer or aphta has no diagnostic value in the criteria of ISGBD.

its morphological similarity and most likely pathophysiological also, with bipolar ulcers

deserves attention.

This article is an observation relating the history of a patient who does not respond to criteria

of ISGBD despite the presence of an arterial aphta.

The tradive occurrence of minor criterion was a cause of diagnostic and therapeutic delay.

Author info

Jihad El Anzaoui, Oualid Bakzaza, Omar Ghoundale, Driss Touiti, Rachid El Barni, Mustapha Alaoui

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