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Home  >  Medical Research Archives  >  Issue 149  > Enhancing the Academic Literacy Skills of ESL Higher Education Students in Canada
Published in the Medical Research Archives
Aug 2015 Issue

Enhancing the Academic Literacy Skills of ESL Higher Education Students in Canada

Published on Aug 07, 2015





To succeed in Canadian university education programs all students must demonstrate a required level of academic literacy which includes a variety of English language skills such as writing formal essays. With the growing number of immigrants in Canada enrolled in higher education, there is an increased demand for language supports for English as Second Language (ESL) students. The current research suggests that language issues pose one of the greatest challenges to academic success for ESL students. This paper describes the current state of knowledge of major literacy challenges experienced by ESL students within the higher education system in Canada and questions whether their literacy needs are being met. Educational strategies for enhancing the written literacy skills are discussed.

Author info

Lillie Lum

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