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Home  >  Medical Research Archives  >  Issue 149  > The Interuniversity College for Health and Development – Outputs of an Integrated Health Sciences Master’s project after 15 years
Published in the Medical Research Archives
Oct 2016 Issue

The Interuniversity College for Health and Development – Outputs of an Integrated Health Sciences Master’s project after 15 years

Published on Oct 16, 2016




In 2005 we reported on an initiative of the Interuniversity College at Graz / Seggau Castle, Austria, dedicated to making the purposes of the medicine-supporting healing arts transparent in teaching and research, within the framework of an EU project (Leonardo da Vinci) (Endler 2005). This paper makes an analysis to determine: in which areas research was carried out by this institution; which relevant publications exist; and interim conclusions to which these may lead. Attention is also devoted to the evaluation of teaching at the institution itself. 

Author info

Christian Endler

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