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Home  >  Medical Research Archives  >  Issue 149  > Potential anti-cervical carcinoma drugs with agonist and antagonist AhR/PXR activities
Published in the Medical Research Archives
Dec 2016 Issue

Potential anti-cervical carcinoma drugs with agonist and antagonist AhR/PXR activities

Published on Dec 12, 2016




Cervical cancer (CC) is responsible of higher morbidity and mortality in the world. To understand the pharmacologic drugs’ efficacy in CC therapy, we investigated the ability of some widely used or potential anti-cancer drugs (alpha- and beta-naphthoflavone, clotrimazole, dimethoxybenzoquinone, paclitaxel, rifampicin, and RU-486) to agonize or antagonize with nuclear receptors: aryl hydrocarbon receptors (AhR) and pregnane X receptors (PXR). To achieve this goal, we performed our study on positive transfected HeLa cell lines, a representative cell line model for CC. In this paper, a study of the recent patents for the importance of these drugs as AhR or PXR agonists or antagonists was evaluated. Because little is known about the implication of AhR and PXR in cancer therapy, our results could be helpful for the design of future CC therapeutics. Future studies could lead to a better understanding of AhR and PXR transactivation/inhibition implication in CC; and lead to a better knowledge of CC therapy. 

Author info

Wissem Mnif, Ines Zidi, Patrick Balaguer

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