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Home  >  Medical Research Archives  >  Issue 149  > Achieving fundamental renal testing, foot care inspections and ophthalmology examinations through DSMT
Published in the Medical Research Archives
Jan 2017 Issue

Achieving fundamental renal testing, foot care inspections and ophthalmology examinations through DSMT

Published on Jan 16, 2017




The objective of the study was to evaluate the influence of DSMT on achieving renal testing, foot care inspections and ophthalmology examinations among diabetic Veterans in an outpatient care clinic.

Material/Methods:  A cross sectional analysis of a representative sample of 550 adult Veterans with type 1 and type 2 diabetes was completed to assess the effect of receiving diabetes education via DSMT in a primary care setting on hemoglobin A1C (HgA1C), documented of renal testing, documented of an annual foot examination and documented of an annual ophthalmology examination.

Results:  The percentage lowering of HgA1C at the end of three months lowered to 7.5% compared to 9.2%. The number documented renal testing at the end of three months was 433, 78% compared to 244, 44%. The number of documented ophthalmologic examinations at the end of three months was 416, 76% compared to 231, 42%. The number reported foot examination at the end of three months performed at home by self or a family member was 442, 80%. The number of documented foot examination at the end of three months was 268, 49% compared 199, 36%.

Conclusions:  Conclusions are DSMT in a primary care setting improves Veterans diabetes care as indicated by a decrease mean HgA1C, increase in the  number of renal testing, increase in the number of ophthalmologic examinations, increase in reported and documented foot examinations.

Author info

Juanita Bridges

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