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Home  >  Medical Research Archives  >  Issue 149  > Radiation Therapy in the Prevention of Brain Metastases
Published in the Medical Research Archives
Mar 2017 Issue

Radiation Therapy in the Prevention of Brain Metastases

Published on Mar 15, 2017




Brain metastases are common sequelae of many adult cancers, with reported overall incidence of 9%–17% [1], which accounts for more than 150,000 cases per year (NCI). Although, there have been some advances made in the treatment and management of brain metastasis, the overall prognosis after diagnosis remains guarded, and there is a significant risk for decline in quality of life due to either treatment toxicities or symptoms caused by metastases. Prevention of brain metastases therefore has been an important topic in oncology. This article addresses the role of radiation therapy as a strategy in prevention of brain metastasis.

“Keywords Brain metastases. Prevention. ALL. Small cell lung cancer. Non-small cell lung cancer. Breast cancer. Neurocognitive dysfunction. Neuro-oncology”

Author info

Joseph Bovi

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