objectives: Care for metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC) patients is a complex process. Decision aids (DAs) are tools used to improve communication complex information between health providers and patients. This study aims to evaluate the effect of DA use in the Arabic language for mCRC patients.
Methodology: A multi-centered randomized control trial was used to evaluate the effect of Arabic DA use with usual care for mCRC patients compared to usual care alone. It commenced in March 2016 and recruited its last patient in October 2018. The final follow-up was in April 2019. The outcomes have measured patient understanding of prognosis, treatment options, and the level of patient’s anxiety.
Results: Total number of patients included in the analysis was 92, 51 in the intervention group (DA). A small proportion of both arms understood that mCRC was incurable (8% and 5% ) of the two groups respectively. There is no significant difference between groups in anxiety level, but there is a time effect (both initially and after one month) which is significantly higher than at six months.
Conclusion: The study shows that a higher level of patient’s baseline understanding lowered anxiety levels over time. Those provided the intervention tool presented low levels of anxiety over time than those provided the usual care. Although not statistically significant, these findings support the importance of the patient. understanding
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