Planetary relations of melanoma diagnoses and other events.

Melanoma diagnoses show periodicities, which coincide with fixed orbital periods of solar system bodies. The orbital period of Mercury was the first to observe. The analysis of a dataset from Australia showed that daily diagnosed melanoma cases (~12%) are exo-solar in origin. So far two components resemble unambiguously the orbital periods of Mercury (88 days) and the Moon (27.3 days). Interestingly, both are not linked to solar activity. Then, a cancer oscillatory behaviour appears to be ubiquitous. At the same time, a number of observations from the Sun and the Earth are unexpected within known physics. Of note, planetary lensing of streaming particles from the dark sector (aka “dark matter”) fits in as a viable explanation. The alternative remote planetary gravitational tidal forces are extremely feeble to cause any noticeable impact. Then, planetary gravitational lensing effects can strongly enhance the flux of some component(s) of slow streaming dark matter; they interact with normal matter, simulating a not existing remote planetary force.
In between, similar searches have been performed in events being not related to illnesses. The status and first results will be presented.

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