How to Join The General Assembly

How to Join the General Assembly

Online presentations

Over 400 video presentations are available to watch at

They may be filtered by session topic. Please feel free to post questions for the speaker in the comment box.

Live Q&A Sessions + Panel Discussions

The live Q&A sessions start at 14:00 CET (Central European Time) each day from August 4-6. Please find the links below. We are using the Cisco Webex platform. Please join any session which of interest to you, even if it is outside of your specialty. We also hope you can join us for the panel discussions at 19:00 each day.

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Meeting password: ESMED

PDF Program

The final program is available here.

Abstract Book

Most abstracts are available online below each presentation video. A PDF is also available here.

Call for papers

Have a manuscript to publish in the society's journal?