Featured Keynote Speakers – 3rd Annual Global Conference on Neuroscience and Neurology

Featured Keynote Speakers

Jill Barnholtz-Sloan

Case Western Reserve University & University Hospitals of Cleveland

Sex matters: Studying sex differences in cancer

Dr. Barnholtz-Sloan is multi-disciplinary researcher trained in biostatistics, population genetics, and human genetics. She is the PI of the Ohio Brain Tumor Study (OBTS), which has served as a multi-site tissue source site for The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA). She is also the scientific PI of the Central Brain Tumor Registry for the United States (CBTRUS).

Barry Sears

Inflammation Research Foundation

Use of high-dose omega-3 fatty acid to treat severe brain trauma

Dr. Barry Sears founded the Inflammation Research Foundation in 2003 to undertake the need for high-quality clinical research to understand the relationship of the diet in the resolution of inflammation. Dr. Sears is considered one of the leading researchers in the world in the area of the dietary modulation of hormones, gene activation, and resolution of inflammation. 

Italia Di Liegro

University of Palermo

The role of RNA-binding proteins in developing and adult brain.

Call for papers

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