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Home  >  Medical Research Archives  >  Issue 149  > Low incidence of opportunistic Infections in SLE Patients treated with Cyclophosphamide and Steroids in a Tertiary care setting
Published in the Medical Research Archives
Mar 2017 Issue

Low incidence of opportunistic Infections in SLE Patients treated with Cyclophosphamide and Steroids in a Tertiary care setting

Published on Mar 15, 2017






Infection is common cause of morbidity and mortality in SLE. Our objective was to determine incidence and types of infections, particularly opportunistic infections, in SLE patients receiving cyclophosphamide, and to identify contribution of variables like demographics, steroid, other immunosuppressives, white blood cell and absolute neutrophil count to infection risk.

Patients and Methods:

We did retrospective chart review of SLE patients in our institute over last 10 years, who received minimum six cyclophosphamide infusions. Types of infection, cumulative steroid dose, and maintenance medications were recorded.  Statistical analyses were done using SAS software.


87.1% of the 31 patients were female.  Mean age was 37.9 years, 48.4% Hispanic, 25.8% African American, 6.4% Asian and 19.4% were Caucasian.  No one was on PJP prophylaxis. There were 42 episodes of infection in 31 patients. Different infections were UTI, URI, line sepsis, bacterial pneumonia, PJP, mucocutaneous infections and viral gastroenteritis. Infection frequency was significantly higher among Asians compared to Caucasians (p =0.0152). Infection rate was significantly higher during cyclophosphosphamide induction phase (65.9%) compared to maintenance phase (34.1%) (p value=0.0041). Infection rate was higher with higher cumulative steroid dose and in patients on quarterly cyclophosphamide infusion compared to those on oral azathioprine or mycophenolate mofetil. No association found between baseline WBC or ANC and infection rate.


We found higher infection rates among Asians and in patients with higher cumulative steroid dose.  Single incidence of PJP noted despite absence of prophylaxis. Quarterly cyclophosphamide was associated with higher infection rates. Larger prospective studies are needed to confirm our results.

Author info

Shubhasree Banerjee, Ann Biehl, Zerai Manna, Maryam Ghaderi, Sarfaraz Hasni

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