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Home  >  Medical Research Archives  >  Issue 149  > Gender-Based Violence is a growing problem in India
Published in the Medical Research Archives
Jan 2018 Issue

Gender-Based Violence is a growing problem in India

Published on Jan 15, 2018




This paper studies Gender-Based Violence (GBV): husband’s domestic violence, to control wife/partner, using Indian household surveys and crime data.  Different types of violence are examined separately, using 2005-6 Demographic and Health Surveys, & other surveys from 1992 to 2017.  Much domestic violence seems to be husbands attempting to control wives.  India’s 2005 ‘Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act’ appears partially successful in reducing GBV; but there is evidence of a long-term increase in GBV risk.  Some possible explanations are investigated.

Author info

John Simister

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