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Home  >  Medical Research Archives  >  Issue 149  > Health Human International Environment Foundation, Budapest, Hungary
Published in the Medical Research Archives
Oct 2019 Issue

Health Human International Environment Foundation, Budapest, Hungary

Published on Oct 03, 2019




Today it is known that the mass murdering known as the Katyñ massacre, was carried out on orders of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Bolshevik Soviet Communist Party, a decision that was made on 5 th March 1940. Considering that the International Red Cross has rejected in 1943 to conduct the investigation of the Katyñ tragedy, Germany convoked a committee in Katyñ. Orsós Ferenc professzor (Hungary) was president of this committee. The encyclopaedias and other literature have the following information about Orsós Ferenc: then in 1946 the People’s Tribunal (Budapest) declared him a criminal of war. At request of the author of this article in November 2012 – after 66 years (!) – the Tribunal of Budapest abolished the proceedings started in 1946 and established in its decision, that Professor Dr. Orsós Ferenc is not a war criminal.

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Janos Vincze

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