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Home  >  Medical Research Archives  >  Issue 149  > Regular sanitizing of cell phones during the Covid-19 pandemic
Published in the Medical Research Archives
Sep 2020 Issue

Regular sanitizing of cell phones during the Covid-19 pandemic

Published on Sep 28, 2020




Cell phones are routinely used for various reasons when people are engaged in their daily activities. They play a key role in health care systems and health care workers frequently make use of these gadgets. Prevention of nosocomial infection is an integral part of health policies in order to prevent the high treatment costs. Although various micro-organisms have been found on these electronic devices from both health workers and patients, the majority of health care workers fail to decontaminate their cell phones. The world is now under attack by the Covid-19 virus that started in 2019. Many people have lost loved ones and the number of infections continues to rise globally. One of the preventive measures to combat the Covid-19 virus is through regular sanitization. However, non-health care people need to know how to sanitize their hands in order to have no micro-organisms. The aim of this brief manuscript is to highlight the importance of regular cell phone sanitization in the fight against the Covid-19 pandemic. 

Author info

Mj Tladi, Sm Tladi, Lp Tladi

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