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Home  >  Medical Research Archives  >  Issue 149  > Using Online Wikis for Assessment Transforms Student Articulation of Learning
Published in the Medical Research Archives
Oct 2020 Issue

Using Online Wikis for Assessment Transforms Student Articulation of Learning

Published on Oct 29, 2020




Learning objectives guide an academic course with measurable behaviors a strategic result. The process of course mapping may explicate gaps in curriculum content that when offered to the student may appear more manageable when course content is partitioned into modules. Learning objectives for each module can further differentiate deeper understanding of the curriculum. However, students seldom articulate how their learning satisfies the objectives. Teaching online courses presen

Learning objectives guide an academic course with measurable behaviors a strategic result. The process of course mapping may explicate gaps in curriculum content that when offered to the student may appear more manageable when course content is partitioned into modules. Learning objectives for each module can further differentiate deeper understanding of the curriculum.  However, students seldom articulate how their learning satisfies the objectives. Teaching online courses presents technologies useful for both faculty and student assessment. The use of the wiki technology mechanism as a student assessment tool is useful to demonstrate how students, through self - reflection, identify the intersection between individual learning, module objectives, and clinical practice application. In this paper, the author describes how online education and assessment with a technology such as wiki illuminate how course objectives are met and student learning occurs.

Author info

Elizabeth Bonham

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