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Home  >  Medical Research Archives  >  Issue 149  > Acute life-threatening respiratory distress syndrome in an infant due to a bronchogenic cyst
Published in the Medical Research Archives
Oct 2020 Issue

Acute life-threatening respiratory distress syndrome in an infant due to a bronchogenic cyst

Published on Oct 29, 2020




An 8-week-old infant was admitted to the hospital after an initially normal postpartum course with pronounced shortness of breath. Progressive hypoxia and a loss of consciousness occurred during the computer tomography examination, whereby the massively increased airway resistance hardly allowed ventilation. During a emergency thoracotomy, a bronchogenic cyst which had compressed the left main bronchus, was successfully extirpated.

Author info

Katharina Gaab, Holger Rupprecht, Marx Holger, Klinge Jens

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