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Home  >  Medical Research Archives  >  Issue 149  > Clinical Pharmacists role in the therapeutic management of COVID-19 patients in Morocco
Published in the Medical Research Archives
Oct 2020 Issue

Clinical Pharmacists role in the therapeutic management of COVID-19 patients in Morocco

Published on Oct 29, 2020




In Morocco, the first case of a respiratory illness due to a new form of coronavirus, the SARS-CoV-2, was registered on the evening of March 1st according to the Ministry of Health.

As the pandemic threatened to develop, the Technical and Scientific Committee of the Ministry of Health decided to prescribe a combination of chloroquine/ hydroxychloroquine with azithromycin for all symptomatic patients confirmed COVID-19 in spite of the fact that the combination has not been approved for COVID-19 indication.

This off-label use exposes to an iatrogenic risk. The aim of this paper is to establish an integrated strategy for pharmaceutical care services which a focus on COVID-19 hospitalized patients (excluding patients in intensive care units) and Clinical Pharmacists, in order to improve COVID-19 patients’ outcome, reduce mortality and drug-related iatrogenia and facilitate pandemic control.

Clinical Pharmacists have played an important role in optimizing the management of COVID-19 patients within the hospital structure from the admission to the discharge of patients. Clinical Pharmacists participate in the therapeutic decision, manage drug Interactions and adjust therapy for special risk population and patients with combined underlying diseases. They also monitor and evaluate medication safety (Medication errors, drug interactions and adverse drug reactions). They have developed practical help sheets that constitute a reliable, and “easy to search” database.

During this crisis, Clinical Pharmacists have not only developed protocols and practical sheets but they have also been the guarantors of the rational use of drugs, providing medical advice to frontline medical staff, especially regarding off label drugs.

Author info

Aicha Chaibi, Mrani Amal, Lasri Fatima-zahra, Abouqal Redouane, Madani Naoufel

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