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Home  >  Medical Research Archives  >  Issue 149  > Application of Mathematical Logic for Cytogenetic Definition and Risk Stratification of B-Cell Precursor Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (BCP-ALL)
Published in the Medical Research Archives
Feb 2021 Issue

Application of Mathematical Logic for Cytogenetic Definition and Risk Stratification of B-Cell Precursor Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (BCP-ALL)

Published on Feb 25, 2021




BCP ALL is the most common phenotype of ALL.  Identification of recurrent genetic abnormalities specific for BCP-ALL [i.e., t(12;21), t(17;19), t(1;19)], has become an essential tool for confirmation of diagnosis and risk stratification. It can also be used for assessing response to treatment and for detecting the re-emergence of malignant cells. Although the definition of BCP ALL with recurrent genetic abnormalities can be correctly expressed in verbal terms, Mathematical Logic may provide a definition that is more concise. We defined the semantics of conjunctions by the truth values “1” or “0”. In a simplified syntax of English, the conjunctions “and”, “or”, “if and only if” were replaced by the symbols “∧ “, “V”, “↔” respectively. This method permitted definitions stripped from all ambiguous elements.

Author info

Gerhard Zugmaier, Franco Locatelli

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