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Home  >  Medical Research Archives  >  Issue 149  > Retrospective Study on the Pathway and the Outcome of Children Victims of Acquired Brain Injury Accompanied By a Mobile Unit of School Reintegration
Published in the Medical Research Archives
Mar 2021 Issue

Retrospective Study on the Pathway and the Outcome of Children Victims of Acquired Brain Injury Accompanied By a Mobile Unit of School Reintegration

Published on Mar 21, 2021




Objectives: to retrace the care pathways and the academic pathways of brain-damaged children supported a Mobile Unit of School Reintegration (MUSR) and to identify factors associated with their long-term outcome.

Patients and methods: Retrospective study from the medical files of 53 children followed by the MUSR, conducted between November 2018 and April 2019.

Results: The cerebro-lesions were mainly caused by a craniocerebral trauma (83% of cases), with an average age of onset of 9.8 years. The duration of the initial hospitalization was 39 days on average. The mean length of follow-up was 37 months.

Long-term medical outcome was marked by 18.5% of medical complications, 29.6% of behavioral disorders and 9.2% of judiciary complications. The factors associated with long-term behavioral disorders were the age of onset (p = 0.015), the initial Glasgow score (p = 0.025), a head trauma related to a traffic accident (p = 0.046), a poor therapeutic alliance with the parents (p <0.001), the absence of psychological follow-up (p = 0.040) and the existence of legal complications (p = 0.001). The factor associated with long-term legal complications was a poor therapeutic alliance with the parents (p = 0.017).

All the children followed were reintegrated into school, after an average of 6.4 months. A school reorientation was necessary in 49.9% of cases, associated with initial complications (p = 0.035), the existence of secondary brain aggressions of systemic origin (p <0.001), the existence of antecedents (p = 0.040), and the autonomy level (p = 0.023).

Conclusion: The MUSR offers multidisciplinary, integrative and mobile cares, based on coordination of the care pathway and the academic pathway of children victims of acquired brain injuries.

Author info

Julia Hamonet-torny, Justine Allégret, Murielle Girard, Hélène Piquard, Stanley Borde

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