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Home  >  Medical Research Archives  >  Issue 149  > The effect of spinach-derived thylakoids on anthropometric parameters and metabolic profile in antipsychotic treatment: A case report
Published in the Medical Research Archives
Aug 2021 Issue

The effect of spinach-derived thylakoids on anthropometric parameters and metabolic profile in antipsychotic treatment: A case report

Published on Aug 11, 2021




Background: Antipsychotics is the first line, evidence-based treatment of schizophrenia and other primary psychotic disorders. Metabolic adverse effects are common, including body weight gain, hypertension and metabolic syndrome. There is still no safe treatment for these adverse effects, except from lifestyle changes. Studies of thylakoids have shown body weight loss and improved metabolic parameters in overweight women.

Case report: A 53-year old female with a history of unspecified nonorganic psychosis, treated with Quetiapin and Topimax (Topiramat), was given a supplement of 5g thylakoids daily for 12 weeks. She reported a rapid decrease of sweet craving and loss of body weight was observed.

Conclusion: We report a successful treatment with thylakoid supplements of the metabolic side effects of antipsychotics in a female adult with a history of body weight problems and sweet craving. Further investigation and larger studies are needed. A safe treatment of metabolic side effects could increase quality of life for patients in need of antipsychotic treatment.


Author info

Charlotte Erlanson Albertsson, Kajsa Lycken

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