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Home  >  Medical Research Archives  >  Issue 149  > Regarding the Relationships of Surgeons, Colleagues, and Patients Prologue
Published in the Medical Research Archives
Jul 2021 Issue

Regarding the Relationships of Surgeons, Colleagues, and Patients Prologue

Published on Jul 10, 2021




Thank you, friends of Surgery, and the European Society of Medicine, for asking me to write in the Advances of Surgery.

I am a cardiologist in the United States, so you might wonder, as do I, why I have been invited to write an essay in Advances in Surgery. I am a medical writer, but mostly of essays and poems. I do have a recent book published, Departure From the Darkness and Cold: the Hope of Renewal for the Soul of Medicine in Patient Care - 50 essays and poems describing interactions between patients and clinicians manifesting the soul of medicine - some of which are in this manuscript.

Author info

Lawrence Hergott

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