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Home  >  Medical Research Archives  >  Issue 149  > Relationship between plasma free amino acid profiles and changes in Crohn’s disease activity index after administration of an elemental diet in patients with Crohn’s disease
Published in the Medical Research Archives
Oct 2021 Issue

Relationship between plasma free amino acid profiles and changes in Crohn’s disease activity index after administration of an elemental diet in patients with Crohn’s disease

Published on Oct 28, 2021




Purpose: We aimed to elucidate the relationship between plasma free amino acid profiles and changes in the Crohn’s disease activity index (CDAI) among patients with Crohn’s disease (CD) after administration of an elemental diet (ED).

Patients and methods: We measured fasting plasma concentrations of free amino acids in 5 patients with CD and evaluated the relationship between amino acid concentration and disease activity at 4 weeks after administration of an ED.

Results: Concentrations of valine, lysine, tyrosine, and glutamic acid were significantly increased after administration of an ED. Significant correlations were noted between changes in CDAI scores and valine concentrations. Tryptophan concentrations also exhibited a strong correlation with CDAI scores.

Conclusion: In patients with CD, plasma concentrations of valine and tryptophan appear to be associated with disease activity following treatment with an ED.

Author info

Toshimi Chiba

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