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Home  >  Medical Research Archives  >  Issue 149  > Chronic expansive pelvic hematoma: atypical location of pseudotumor. A report of 2 cases.
Published in the Medical Research Archives
Feb 2022 Issue

Chronic expansive pelvic hematoma: atypical location of pseudotumor. A report of 2 cases.

Published on Feb 24, 2022




Case: Chronic expansive pelvic hematoma is a very rare entity with a few cases published in the literature, being the most frequent locations the thorax and chest. The tumoral mass called pseudotumor produces a large osteolysis in the pelvis with a difficult radiological diagnosis, and not rarely misdiagnosed as sarcoma. The treatment of these type of lesions should be done at a specialized sarcoma centre, and under the supervision of a multidisciplinary committee, that it is enable the correct differential diagnosed and treatment. The pathological analysis is the key point to the diagnosis.

We report two cases located in the pelvis, an extremely rare location.

The resection should be wide to avoid recurrence. The reconstruction in the pelvic cases required “ice-cream cone” prosthesis that provides the restoration of the functionality of the hip.

Conclusion: This rare phenomenon is suspicious for malignant tumour. The treatment of this entities should be evaluated in an expert centre in the treatment of sarcomas.

Author info

Moriel-garceso Diego, Pozo-kreilinger Jose J, Peleteiro-pensado Manuel, Barrientos-ruiz Irene, Ortiz-cruz Eduardo J

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