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Home  >  Medical Research Archives  >  Issue 149  > Radiation Therapy Post Prostatectomy Using Axumin Imaging for Target Definition
Published in the Medical Research Archives
Dec 2021 Issue

Radiation Therapy Post Prostatectomy Using Axumin Imaging for Target Definition

Published on Dec 27, 2021




Radiation therapy delivered post-prostatectomy can provide durable disease-free clinical outcomes. There remains debate as to whether the radiation should be applied to patients with high risk features post-surgery or deferred until there is biomarker evidence of clinical recurrence. Prior to the development of advanced-technology metabolic and anatomic imaging, the radiation therapy treatment fields were applied based on historical models of patterns of failure including the former capsule region, undersurface of the bladder, and the bladder urethral anastomosis. Although outcomes of therapy were good, the choice of the target was not image directed. Modern imaging has provided an advantage for targeting as radiation oncologists can be more secure of high-risk areas and in turn titrate dose to regions deemed of intermediate and low risk. In this paper we describe strategies for application of modern axumin imaging for patient care with radiation therapy post prostatectomy.

Author info

Thomas Fitzgerald, Julie Trifone, Maureen Britton, Joshua Taylor, Marious Croos, Thomas Quinn, Bashera Nochomowitz, Katie Figura, Shannon Higgins, Linda O’connor, Sherri Suhl, Kathleen Briggs, Jean Quigley, Heather Reifler, Kenneth Ulin, Koren Smith, Carla Bradford, I-lin Kuo, Yankhua Fan, Suhong Yu, Harry Bushe, Jonathan Saleeby, Fenghong Liu, Abdulnasser Khalifeh, Linda Ding, Maryann Bishop-jodoin

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