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Home  >  Medical Research Archives  >  Issue 149  > Covid-19 Effects on Hospitality Industry: Scientific Predictions and Public Perception-A Partial SWOT Analysis for A Global Brand Development
Published in the Medical Research Archives
Apr 2022 Issue

Covid-19 Effects on Hospitality Industry: Scientific Predictions and Public Perception-A Partial SWOT Analysis for A Global Brand Development

Published on Apr 29, 2022




This is an MBA project aiming to provide recommendation to a Principal in the hospitality industry wanting to start a global brand amidst a pandemic, which in certain parts of the world has evolved to become an endemic. Pandemic or not, Covid and its variants are global matters, thus of intimate concerns to a global brand development. The analysis will focus on both the macro (global) picture of the pandemic on the hospitality industry as well as a micro (regional) detail of the starting locality. This MBA project concentrates on the time period of Jan. 15- 31, 2022. The project asks the question: If we were to advise the launching of the brand given this 2-week intensive study of the issues involved, what are the pertinent information for the Principal to consider? Decision Intelligence interplayed with a partial SWOT analysis can inform the Principal of making crucial decisions. It is important to identify the Weakness(W) and the Threats (T) for a new brand in order for Strengths (S) and Opportunities (O) to nourish the growing of the brand.

Author info

Frank Lorne, Parul Arora, Saba Keynejad, Niloofar Samiani, Viyana Zokaeimoghaddam

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