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Home  >  Medical Research Archives  >  Issue 149  > Happiness-Focused Therapy: The Introduction
Published in the Medical Research Archives
Apr 2022 Issue

Happiness-Focused Therapy: The Introduction

Published on Apr 29, 2022




In this article, we seek to develop a new therapeutic path, which we call Happiness-Focused Therapy (HFT) for the promotion of mental health and, in particular, increasingly frequent experiences of happiness. This, from a new theory, which is based on Aristotelian ethics and evolutionary science. In this sense, the HFT was designed to focus on what is special about us humans: the ability that we all have to understand reality more and more accurately (acquisition of wisdom) and to act based on what we know so far (rational act) in view of the increasingly frequent production of good consequences, of which we can be proud of having been the causative agent through our choices, pride that we understand to be the true happiness. With this in mind, we propose that the HFT consists of four stages of treatment, each with its main objective (expansion of wisdom, acquisition of the habit of acting rationally, elaboration of a happy life project, and elaboration of a routine in favor of the realization of a happy life project), and that the patient must go through all of them, but according to the rhythm of the evolution of their treatment (minimum of nine sessions in total); and also that each stage has its structure of sessions fixed (for better use of time).

Author info

Flavio Osmo, Maryana Borri, George Barbosa

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