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Home  >  Medical Research Archives  >  Issue 149  > Commentary on Leveraging Systems Science to Understand COVID-19 and Its Public Health Sequelae
Published in the Medical Research Archives
Jul 2022 Issue

Commentary on Leveraging Systems Science to Understand COVID-19 and Its Public Health Sequelae

Published on Jul 31, 2022




We advocate for the use a systems science approach to uncover and understand the systems affecting and affected by COVID- 19 and conducted a group model building project to create a causal loop diagram illustrating the relationships between COVID-19 and multiple health issues. The diagram includes 16 variables and multiple feedback loops in our causal loop diagram of the impact of COVID-19 on people’s lives and well-being. This commentary highlights three loops to illustrate the complex interrelationships within the system of factors. The first loop highlights the impact that structural interventions. such as closing all bars or restricting capacity/operating hours, can have on COVID-19. The second loop illustrates the reason that school closures are a good idea for controlling the spread of COVID-19, and also highlights the consequence that closing schools has on social isolation. The final loop addresses how social isolation to protect against infections contributes to poor mental health and the varied associated responses.  Our fairly straightforward and simple exercise can serve as an example for others committed to addressing public health challenges and improving community health and well-being. We believe that public health researchers and practitioners must move beyond what is easy and known, embrace complexity and leverage systems science to understand COVID-19, its public health sequelae and intervention opportunities.

Author info

Jessica Burke, Jessica Thompson, Christina Mair, Robert Coulter

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