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Home  >  Medical Research Archives  >  Issue 149  > Pharmacogenetics Implementation in Primary Care
Published in the Medical Research Archives
Aug 2022 Issue

Pharmacogenetics Implementation in Primary Care

Published on Aug 18, 2022




Pharmacogenetics is being considered as a pre-emptive test for the National Health Service in the United Kingdom. Primary care is a key clinical service for the use of this technology due to the large number of prescriptions prescribed in this setting. Given the volume of prescribing and the prevalence of pharmacogenetic variants an average GP will be using pharmacogenetics approximately 12 times per week.  The current high workload in primary care means that a time of only a minute or two at most is available for the physician to use this new information. Pharmacogenetics is only one data point in identifying drug options for a patient. In determining those options physicians also take into account drug-drug, drug-condition, drug-liver and drug-renal potential  interactions. Clinical Decision Support Systems exist that use pharmacogenetic and other information to help identify safer and more effective medication options for an individual. 

Author info

Martin Dawes, Bernard Esquivel

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