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Home  >  Medical Research Archives  >  Issue 149  > Factors Influencing the Asthma Control among Children
Published in the Medical Research Archives
Jul 2022 Issue

Factors Influencing the Asthma Control among Children

Published on Jul 31, 2022




Background: Bronchial sensitive individuals are prone to develop many health issues from airborne allergens, and viral and bacterial respiratory infections. Studies have shown that airborne allergen causes allergies and asthma in the susceptible population. Some other environmental factors such as tobacco smoke, air pollution and diet have also been linked to an increased risk for the onset of asthma. The burden of asthma is increasing day by day but the exact etiology of asthma is yet unknown. Some genetic predisposition and environmental factors are thought to play a role in causation of disease, yet how they interact to cause asthma it is still being investigated.

Methods & Study Design: A Cross- sectional analytical study design was used to determine the various environmental factors that can trigger asthma and their association with asthma control among school aged asthmatic children, 4-12 years age. A questionnaire was used to find out various environmental factors that can trigger asthma attacks. Data was represented in the form of tables and the chi square test was used to determine the association of various environmental factors with asthma control.

Results: A total of 196 asthmatic children and their parents participated in this study. The chi-square test showed that female parents control asthma more effectively as compared to male parents. The majority of parents 118 (60.2%) were living in urban areas, 180 (91.8%) parents had low income adequacy level, 119 (60.7%) parents' homes had 1-2 rooms, and 118 (60.2%) homes were congested/poor ventilated. Environmental factors had a direct link with asthma. Children exposure to passive-smoking 106 (54.08%), exercise (p =.035*), sports (p =.015*), cold weather (p =.002*), seasonal allergy (p =.002*), allergic rhinitis (p =.004*), small homes (p =.008*) and, uneducated parents (no education or primary only) (p =.035*) are factors that are associated with high asthma rates.

Conclusion: Asthma is influenced by environmental factors. By modifying environmental factors, we can improve the number of asthma episodes among asthmatic children.

Author info

Razia Sultana, Mansoor Ghani, Ann Smith, Shazia Ashraf, Shakeela Bashir

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