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Home  >  Medical Research Archives  >  Issue 149  > Long-Term Inhalation of Hydrogen Gas for Patients with Advanced Alzheimer's Disease: A Case Report Showing Improvement in Fecal Incontinence
Published in the Medical Research Archives
Jul 2022 Issue

Long-Term Inhalation of Hydrogen Gas for Patients with Advanced Alzheimer's Disease: A Case Report Showing Improvement in Fecal Incontinence

Published on Jul 31, 2022




Introduction: Molecular hydrogen (H2) has emerged as a therapeutic medical gas that exerts multiple functions. H2 inhalation has been approved as safe, and some clinical studies showed that it effectively improved conditions of patients with a variety of disorders such as stroke, heart infarction, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, cancer, and COVID-19. Urinary and fecal incontinences are unavoidable symptoms of advanced Alzheimer's disease (AD) dementia. In particular, fecal incontinence increases the level of confusion for patients and caretakers suffer from increased workloads.

Materials and Methods: To assess the integrity of the neurons related to AD, the bundles of neurons passing through the hippocampus were visualized by modified diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) technology using advanced magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)

Results: A 79-year-old woman with advanced AD continued to inhale 3% H2 gas containing 21% oxygen twice daily for 1 hour and maintained clinical observations for 2 years. After the long period of inhalation of H2 gas, the patient went to the bathroom by herself for adequate excretion. She remained to be able to go to the bathroom for her bowel movements in time, afterwards. After the long-term inhalation of H2 gas, her MRI of the brain to generate DTI images with an anisotropic (FA) value of 0.2 (FA = 0.2) showed improved integrity of the hippocampal neurons along with these clinical improvements.

Conclusion: This case report casts the question on the current understanding that the advanced and severe AD patients will never improve.

Author info

Shigeo Ohta, Hirohisa Ono, Yoji Nishijima, Masaki Sakamoto, Soitirou Kitamura, Yuitiou Naitoh, Keiko Suzuki, Norio Fujii, Ryouta Kikura

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