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Home  >  Medical Research Archives  >  Issue 149  > In Medicine, is the Professor Necessary in View of the Wonderful Online Information?
Published in the Medical Research Archives
Aug 2022 Issue

In Medicine, is the Professor Necessary in View of the Wonderful Online Information?

Published on Aug 18, 2022




Advances in technology and the media have favored that knowledge can be obtained quickly and completely for all sciences; so, students can get information in this way; now you can complete professional careers "online", therefore. Is the presence of a professor necessary to study medicine and specialties?

In this paper, the forms of learning at the different levels of professional training, objective learning (learning they should know), the objectives pursued with learning, the role of culture and humanism in medicine are analyzed; they must learn the study of the  techniques of evidence-based medicine and the clinical guidelines. The exam preparation courses, the objectives of how the learning of medical education should be structured are analyzed; how the medical attitude towards the patient should be individualized, what role does the clinical judgment play in the doctor, the terminal efficiency, all this in the university career of medicine and specialties in tertiary hospitals and in conclusion: The physical presence of the expert professor is important to carry out a tutorial teaching with direction in the academic and ethical evolution of the doctor in training throughout his career, in order to achieve an excellent clinical doctor who dominates the wonderful modern technology that he uses.

Author info

José Guadalajara-boo

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