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Home  >  Medical Research Archives  >  Issue 149  > Treatment and Long-term outcome of acute cerebral infarction in a patient with high CA125 and endometriosis.
Published in the Medical Research Archives
Oct 2022 Issue

Treatment and Long-term outcome of acute cerebral infarction in a patient with high CA125 and endometriosis.

Published on Oct 31, 2022




Summary: This report describes a novel association between stroke and endometriosis in a patient with extremely high serum levels of CA-125.



Background: Cancer antigen 125 is a cell surface glycoprotein present in elevated serum levels with certain types of cancer, especially non-mucinous epithelial ovarian cancers. Still, such elevations can also be seen in benign gynecologic conditions such as severe adenomyosis, uterine myomas, and advanced endometriosis. Recently, high serum levels of cancer antigen 125 have also been associated with an increased risk of stroke.


Case: This report describes the case of a 48 years-old woman that presented a novel association between ischemic stroke and endometriosis in a patient with extremely high serum levels of cancer antigen 125 and illustrates the long-term management strategy utilized for secondary prevention of ischemic stroke.


Conclusion: The role of the cancer antigen 125 level on the pathogenesis of ischemic stroke is yet to be determined. High serum cancer antigen 125 can be seen in ischemic stroke in women of reproductive age. Cancer antigen 125 levels might have some implications on the election of the long-term secondary prevention of IS.


Teaching Points:

- Elevated serum levels of CA-125 are associated with an increased risk of stroke.

- Raised serum levels of CA-125 can be seen in benign gynecologic conditions.

- The finding of high CA-125 might have some implications on the election of the long-term management strategy for the secondary prevention of ischemic stroke.

Author info

Juan Marquez-romero, Angélica Díaz-romo, Fernanda Michelle Del Campo, Carlos Pérez-malagón, Dulce Bonifacio-delgadillo

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