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Home  >  Medical Research Archives  >  Issue 149  > Utilizing a Flipped Classroom Approach to Facilitate Learning in the Health Sciences: A Systematic Review of the Literature
Published in the Medical Research Archives
Dec 2022 Issue

Utilizing a Flipped Classroom Approach to Facilitate Learning in the Health Sciences: A Systematic Review of the Literature

Published on Dec 21, 2022




It is essential that the training occurring across programs in the health sciences not only provides students with the knowledge necessary to correctly perform their role, but also to safely practice as health care professionals in the workforce.  Curriculum in health science programs is typically very content heavy, which requires both the instructor and student to wade through vast amounts of information in order to determine the crucial elements necessary to practice.  Additionally, it is not sufficient for a student to simply memorize content; they must be able to apply that content to clinical practice.  Utilizing an active learning strategy such as the flipped classroom fosters the student’s ability to apply content to practical situations, they are likely to encounter in their professional practice. 

Author info

Kelli Whittington, Titas Roy

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