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Home  >  Medical Research Archives  >  Issue 149  > Impact of Covid 19 Pandemic on Work Life Balance of Academicians during Working from Home
Published in the Medical Research Archives
Dec 2022 Issue

Impact of Covid 19 Pandemic on Work Life Balance of Academicians during Working from Home

Published on Dec 21, 2022




Covid 19 brought several challenges to the world. Many organizations were affected by the pandemic. The Education Sector is one among them. Online Classes were introduced by the educational institutions to safeguard the academic interest of the students and also to continue the academic year. In fact, learning new technologies to take online classes is a new task to the academicians. In this paper, a modest attempt has been made to study the work life balance of academicians during work from home by administering a questionnaire through online (google forms) and a total of 256 responses from Telangana State and Andhra Pradesh have been received. In the study, it is found that Designation do not have impact (independent) on work life balance of academicians during work from home. Whereas Nature of Employment (Government/Aided or Private) and Good Working Environment at Home has influence on Work life balance of Academicians. It also found that Work life balances have positive as well as negative aspects. Positive aspect of work from home is that the academicians are able to spend more quality time with their family. Negative aspects include missing social interaction, increased time to prepare for online classes and long working hours.

Author info

Ravi Akula, Ponna Srilatha, M. Reddy

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