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Home  >  Medical Research Archives  >  Issue 149  > Application of Boolean Algebra for Definition of Myeloid Neoplasms
Published in the Medical Research Archives
Jan 2023 Issue

Application of Boolean Algebra for Definition of Myeloid Neoplasms

Published on Jan 31, 2023




The definition of disease has become increasingly complex in the last 20 years. Especially the definition of tumors of hematopoietic and lymphoid tissues includes multiple parameters such as cytology, histology, immune phenotyping, cytogenetics and molecular genetics. Myeloid neoplasms include an especially high number of permutations of these parameters, requiring a mathematical approach. Mathematical concepts have the merit to show what can be proven and what can be calculated. Boolean algebra also sometimes called “mathematical logic” has been shown to be a useful tool of the definition of acute leukemias. This tool was also applied in this study for the definition of the more complex myeloid neoplasms. The binary number system was used that only includes the sequence of 0 and 1. Presence of a diagnostic parameter was coded by 1, absence by 0. Disease was defined not only by an algorithm but also by symbolic calculation. This way, myeloid neoplasms could successfully be defined by an algebraic system.

Author info

Gerhard Zugmaier, Sophie Kerkmann, Franco Locatelli

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