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Home  >  Medical Research Archives  >  Issue 149  > A Qualitative Assessment of a Worksite Nutrition Education Intervention
Published in the Medical Research Archives
Feb 2023 Issue

A Qualitative Assessment of a Worksite Nutrition Education Intervention

Published on Feb 28, 2023




To assess the experience of participants who had previously completed a Community Chronic Disease Prevention intervention involving a micronutrient-dense plant-rich dietary intervention. Qualitative interviews were conducted individually or in groups of 2-3.  There was a total of twelve participants who had completed a Community Chronic Disease Prevention intervention of 9- or 12-week duration. Questions were designed to be open-ended to maximize the diversity of responses and to allow exploration of a full range of participant views. Interviews were conducted at locations convenient to participants. Employees of a university or regional hospital who had completed a Community Chronic Disease Prevention dietary intervention 1.5-2 years previously. Audio-tape interviews were recorded, transcribed verbatim, and analyzed for common themes and thematic patterns. Participants reported their experiences and adherence to the dietary guidelines post-intervention. Common themes were identified, including a sense of well-being and increased mindfulness. Intervention features that facilitated adherence included regular contact, the educational component, and cooking demonstrations and tastings. Barriers to adhering to the intervention included life-long habits, as well as cultural and family issues. Identification of the experiences of individuals who have participated in a Community Chronic Disease Prevention will provide a basis for incorporating social, emotional, and psychological support into future studies.

Author info

Jay Sutliffe, Debera Thomas, Julia Gardner, Alison Adams, Nanette Lopez

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