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Home  >  Medical Research Archives  >  Issue 149  > Havana Syndrome: New Recommendations and Enrollment Criteria for a Shared Study of Possible Cases
Published in the Medical Research Archives
Mar 2023 Issue

Havana Syndrome: New Recommendations and Enrollment Criteria for a Shared Study of Possible Cases

Published on Mar 29, 2023




Background: From November 2016 to the summer of 2021, some U.S. diplomats and their family members residing in Havana and other locations, including China, Russia, Colombia, Switzerland, and France, reported the sudden onset of auditory, vestibular, and neurological symptoms. The aim of this study is to define enrollment criteria for patients with a possible diagnosis of Havana Syndrome.

Methods: This study, through a review of the scientific literature, proposes the definition of criteria for proper enrollment of patients with a possible diagnosis of "Havana Syndrome".

Results: In view of the increasing number of cases, their wide geographic distribution, and the lack of certainty regarding etiopathogenesis, it is essential to propose a strategy for sharing case histories.

Conclusions: A correct enrollment of patients is crucial since specialists can then disclose new strategies for the study of case histories and for a clear definition of the diagnosis. This way, it will be possible to have a wide discussion of clinical and epidemiological results among specialists in different medical, engineering, and intelligence disciplines.


Author info

Franco Posa, Maurizio Gorini, Valeria Rondinelli, Francesco Sclavi, Jessica Leone, Matteo Posa

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