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Home  >  Medical Research Archives  >  Issue 149  > Histologic comparison of three different alloplastic bone graft substitutes – a split-mouth study.
Published in the Medical Research Archives
May 2023 Issue

Histologic comparison of three different alloplastic bone graft substitutes – a split-mouth study.

Published on May 26, 2023




Objective: To histologically compare three different alloplasts and assess bone regeneration


Study Design: Bone core of three different bone grafts was procured from a grafted site after a period of 6 months and implants were placed. The bone cores were studied histologically at higher magnification and bone formation was analyzed.


Results: All the grafts showed good results clinically, however histologically β -TCP had shown better results and more bone formation as compared to others.


Conclusion: Chronologically, Powerbone® shows the maximum formation of mature bone followed by Adbone® and then Novabone®

Author info

Sagrika Shukla, Praful Bali, Lanka Mahesh, Anshi Jain

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