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Home  >  Medical Research Archives  >  Issue 149  > Numerical 11-Factor in Half the Genetic Code – A Search for an Explanation in Number Series
Published in the Medical Research Archives
Aug 2023 Issue

Numerical 11-Factor in Half the Genetic Code – A Search for an Explanation in Number Series

Published on Aug 29, 2023




Half of 20 + 4 (double-coded) amino acids in the genetic code structure showed1 an astonishing regularity in a 2D-table, including the 11-factor. The regularities have been dismissed by professionals, saying that no known physical-chemical laws can explain them.

Here a search for possible explanations or aspects is carried through by investigating the numeral series, as dimensions, of x = integers 5 → 0 with different exponents, treated in earlier papers: x3, 2x2 behind the Periodic system, x2/3 ×102 (the “ES”-series) and further the basic series with its superposed series (as coding for underlying steps) with features like quantum mechanics. The regularities are reproduced in first section.

It’s shown how the paired amino acid side chains that give the 11-factor in the 2D-table are derivable in different ways through counter-directed reading of numbers in the different series (2-digit numbers that always give sums with factor 11). Introduced is the concept of step-numbers, related to numeral series, implying a vector character, with this also anti-vectors, a physical and biological reality, expressed e.g.  as intervals. A main interval in the ES-series as a whole is the number 77, specially studied, the most obvious organizing principle in the 2D-table.

The fact that also sums of mirrored 2-letter codons  code for amino acid groups with the 11-factor points to a deeper level of double-direction acting on both levels, here suggested as inherited from the higher dimension 4D.

Regarding the coding base pairs G-C and A-U as two coordinate axes,  the regularities show up in amino acids with 2-letter codons that join these axes, called Mx-coded ones, the other half of the genetic code not. It seems connected with the two axes of the 2D-table and strengthens the hypothetical dimensional processes from higher to lower D-degree.

Finally, factor 9 as difference of numbers read bidirectionally are circa the inversion of 11, inversion existing in physical laws. An eventual relation to centriole structure with factor 9 (×2 or ×3) of microtubules are shortly studied.

This paper should be taken as material, inviting other researchers in applied physics and biochemistry to go on with the questions.

Author info

Åsa Wohlin

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