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Home  >  Medical Research Archives  >  Issue 149  > Aneurysmal Bone Cyst in the Distal Metaphysis of the Right Fibula: A Case Report
Published in the Medical Research Archives
Oct 2023 Issue

Aneurysmal Bone Cyst in the Distal Metaphysis of the Right Fibula: A Case Report

Published on Oct 02, 2023




21-year-old female patient, she presented increased volume and pain in the right ankle, imaging studies were carried out, evidencing alteration of the bone structure in the distal metaphysis of the fibula, having as a diagnostic option by clinic, epidemiology and imaging, ANEURISMATIC BONE CYST, due to the location of said lesion, and taking into account the percentage of recurrence of the aforementioned lesion, it was decided to perform in bloc resection of the lesion and reconstruction with ipsilateral fibula autograft, descending it and fixing it with osteosynthesis, to maintain the anatomy of the lesion. the ankle joint.


Author info

Luis Willians

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